Web development
random assortment of HTML/CSS knowledge I return to often.
iframe targetting
edit target attribute for each link individually
edit target for all links on the frame with
CSS units
- [px] for percision, may look different based on displays
- [em, rem] based on font size, works okay for selecting font sizes or anything with text.
- [vh (viewport height), vw (viewport width)] height and width of the viewport, in percentages.
- [dvh (dynamic vh), dvw (dynamic vw)] same as ordinary viewport units but account for things like search bar on mobile.
- [%] i am honestly not sure when i would use percents except when i declare that an element has a width/height of 100% but even then i could use viewport units and they work better, but percents have a use especially for older browsers that don't do viewport units
new viewport unit variants [dymanic, smallest, largest]
by default, borders aren't included in the dimensions of an element.
border-box means borders are included as part of the element, save the headache and do this.
* { box-sizing: border-box; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; }
the perfromance hit of the universal selector [*] barely matters nowadays, so it should be okay for applying simple effects (so no animations, shadows, filters, etc..) on a basic site.
CSS Tip: Star Selector Not That Bad
shape-outside MDN Docs page
allows wrapping text smoothly around an element shaped as a square, circle, a polygon with specified boundaries, or an image.