

Easiest method is XPath:

xidel --xpath "//guid" a.xml

For dealing with Atom namespaces:

xidel --xpath "//*:id" a.atom.xml

(Since Atom doesn't register a name for its namespace).


May also want to use XQuery though.

Extract Data from OPML and Write to a TSV

Uses a single-line XQuery statement to output alternate lines of the Feed Name and Feed URL, then uses awk (see power-of-awk) to turn them into a TSV.

xidel feeds.opml --extract 'for $x in //*:outline return  $x/@text | $x/@xmlUrl'|awk 'NR % 2 == 0 {printf "%s\t" $0}; NR % 2 == 1 {printf "%s\n" $0}' >feeds.tsv

XQuery Script to Turn RSS or Atom Feed into an HTML File

let $c := count(//*:entry)
let $cr := count(//*:item)
    if ($c > 0)
        <a name="toc"></a>,<nav><ol>{
for $x at $n in //*:entry
    let $xt:=inner-html($x/*:title)
    let $xda:=(
        if ($x/*:published != '')
        then inner-html($x/*:published)
        else if ($x/*:updated != '')
             then inner-html($x/*:updated)
             else ()
    order by $xda descending
        <li><a href="#{$n}">{$xt}</a></li>
for $x at $n in //*:entry
    let $xc:=(
        if ($x/*:content != '')
        then inner-html($x/*:content)
        else if ($x/*:summary != '')
        then inner-html($x/*:summary)
        else ()
    let $xt:=inner-html($x/*:title)
    let $xl:=(
        if ($x/*:link/@href != '')
        then $x/*:link/@href
        else ()
    let $xda:=(
        if ($x/*:published != '')
        then inner-html($x/*:published)
        else if ($x/*:updated != '')
             then inner-html($x/*:updated)
             else ()
                <a name="{$n}"></a>
                <p><strong>Date: {$xda}</strong></p>
                <a href="{$xl}">Article</a>
                <a href="#toc">Back to TOC</a>
else if ($cr > 0)
        <h1>{//channel/title}</h1>,<a name="toc"></a>,<nav><ol>{
for $x at $n in //*:item
    let $xt:=(
      if ($x/*:title != '')
      then inner-html($x/*:title)
      else inner-html($x/pubDate)
    let $xd:=inner-html($x/pubDate)
        <li><a href="#{$n}">{if ($xt = $xd) then $xt else $xd,": ",$xt}</a></li>
for $x at $n in //*:item
    let $xc:=(
        if ($x/*:description != '')
        then inner-html($x/*:description)
        else inner-html($x/*:title)
    let $xt:=(
      if ($x/*:title != '')
      then inner-html($x/*:title)
      else inner-html($x/pubDate)
    let $xd:=inner-html($x/pubDate)
    let $xl:=(
        if ($x/*:link != '')
        then inner-html($x/*:link)
        else ()
                <a name="{$n}"></a>
                <h1>{if ($xt = $xd) then $xt else $xd,": ",$xt}</h1>
                <a href="{$xl}">Article</a>
                <a href="#toc">Back to TOC</a>

The doubly-nested `parse-html()` fixes a bug, seemingly.

Save this as something like feed-html.xq and run this with the command:

xidel "feed.xml"  --extract-file=feed-html.xq --output-format=html

Or, to do all the feeds in a folder called xml and output them to a folder called html and create an index for them:

tohtml() {
  xidel "xml/$(basename "$1")"  --extract-file=feed-html.xq --output-format=html > "html/$(basename "$1" .xml).html"

fsize() {
  ls -l "$1" | awk '{print $5}'

getlbd() {
  xidel "$1" --extract '(
      if (//*:lastBuildDate != "")
      then inner-html(//*:lastBuildDate)
      else if (//*:channel/*:pubDate)
           then inner-html(//*:channel/*:pubDate)
           else inner-html(//*:feed/*:updated)
gettitle() {
  xidel "$1" --extract '(
      if (//*:channel != "")
      then inner-html(//*:channel/*:title)
      else inner-html(//*:feed/*:title)

echo "<!DOCTYPE html>">index.html
echo "<html><head><title>Feeds $(date)</title></head><body><h1>Feeds $(date)</h1><ol>">>index.html
for i in $(ls -1 xml/*); do
  echo "$i"
  wcl="$(wc -l "$i"|awk '{print $1}')"
  echo $wcl
  if (test "$wcl" -gt 1 || test "$(fsize "$i")" -gt 10 ) && test "$wcl" -lt 25000; then
    tohtml "$i"
    echo "<li><a href=\"html/$(basename "$i" ".xml").html\">$(gettitle "$i") ($(getlbd "$i"))</a></li>">>index.html
echo "</ol></body></html>">>index.html

A very simplistic HTML file and a script that probably doesn't follow any style guides, but works.